The Big Day

Here you will find all the information that you need to know for the day of our wedding. For now take a look at some of the general wishes and info that we have for the day.

Where is it all happening?!

The wedding will take place over the course of a full day at Panama Rocks. The venue is in Panama in New York state.

How should I dress?

Good question! This is an outdoor wedding, although there is the option of being inside we want everyone to take weather into account. The temperature is usually around 70-78F (20-25C) this time of year. Wear something festive that you feel comfortable wearing!
Blankets & ponchos will be available.

“Det finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder”

– Some Swedish dude

Let’s unplug!

This is one of the only times that many of us will come together, and it is important to us that our families and friends get to know each other. So let us spend this moment with each other and not in our screens. It is our wish to have a wedding free from the distractions of our phones. So we ask that you don’t have them on you. We will have a place on site that you can store them. Alongside a professional photographer, there will be several ways to capture the candid moments on site!

You must be this tall…

It is also our wish to celebrate with adults. We have not made any accommodations for children at the wedding and want everyone to be able to relax while they spend the day with us. If you’re unable to make other plans for someone to watch your children reach out and let us know, we will do our best to help. We do not want you to miss it!

Where will I sleep?

There will be 3 options for where to sleep on the night of the wedding.

  • Glamping on site. These spots are reserved and we will reach out to those who will have a spot.
  • Camping on site. We have booked plenty of camping spots. Bring your own gear and cozy up for the night.
  • Book a hotel. We have blocked rooms at the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel or you can stay in another hotel that you choose.

What about gifts?

Your presence at our wedding is sincerely gift enough, and we don’t expect anything. However, if you wish to give us a gift, a contribution towards our future would be greatly appreciated. We are saving for a house and our honeymoon.

If you choose to give there will be a way for you to show what one you support at the wedding. That way we know what you want to contribute towards.

Click to expand… ⬇

The house

We would like to buy a house! This is our long term goal. Daniel wants to design and create and build without worrying about a land lord. It is important to us that you have a room if you come to visit! We want a garden to grow flowers, chilis and berries. We want bees in our garden and maybe ducks too. And we most certainly want to play loud music… our poor neighbors have listened to a lot of rock.

The honeymoon

We are planning a trip to visit South Africa. We have never been on the continent before. We are so excited to go on a safari to see The big 5 and stay at a lodge on site! Victoria’s favorite animal is elephants (definitely do not tell Spooky). We would also like to explore a nearby paradise island and maybe even relax a little…who knows!

Feel free to contact us if you have any concerns regarding any of these points! Friendly reminder to go to our Wedding Buzz page where everyone can see your question and our reply. If something is unclear to you, it is probably unclear to others as well!

Lots more to come. This page will continue to evolve as more is planned….

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